Blaine Community Orchards for Resources & Education

Give a person an apple, they eat it.   Teach them to care for the tree, they eat forever!

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XERCES Society


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We are interested in developing an educational program for the general public that will teach individuals how to design, plant and care for an edible yard. Secondarily, we will also offer education in harvest and storage of produce.

If you are an individual whose skill sets include expertise in the above areas and are interested in partnering with Blaine CORE we would welcome your involvement.

Additionally, we are hoping to collaborate an educational program that will provide learning opportunities for horticulture students at Blaine School District and potentially, other school districts or other educational facilities.

Below you will find some helpful articles/link on caring and cultivation of your fruit bearing plants. For information on Pollinators, please click.

Fruit Handbook Western Washington, Varieties & Culture -40 pages

- download pdf

NEW Alternative Fruit Crops - link to 20 pg. publication (pdf)

Information on Growing Small Fruits link to WSU website pages (mostly berries)


Workshop Presentation - Link    Pollinators - link  and Tips from WSU - link


Garden Design Slide Show (from Garden Design workshop by CORE)

             Handout from Garden Design Workshop - link

University of Florida - 22 Ideas for Low Care and Basic Principles


Slide Show on Pruning Fruit Trees - click here (will begin to play)   

WORKSHOP Handout - 2023 - link (4 pgs)

Training-Pruning Fruit Trees from WSU Ext. - link (pdf) 16 pgs

USDA - Pruning Trees (general arborist information) - link

Training/Pruning Dwarf Apple Trees  pdf   4 pgs

Aggie Horticulture Basic of Pruning  link (pdf)   12 pages

Oregon State University - Pruning 101   link (pdf)   

Training and Pruning Grapes  link   (pdf)

NWFR Restoration of OLD Fruit Trees (apples/pears)  link (pdf)

Pruning Roses - link (pdf) 5 pages


INSECTS - PESTs & POLLINATORS (link to page)*

Integrated Pest Management/IPM - WSU link to website pages/information  or  

Invertebrate Conservation Webinars from Xerces Society - link

Manage Insects on Your Property, ecological strategies, 130 pgs

Tent Catepillars, an overview and strategies - 2 pages   link

Noxious Weeds, Invasives, etc. State of Washington Weed Control

Vegetable/Plant Gardening

LOCAL Seed Company - Resilient Seeds (order form/description)

Garden Planner - from Seedsaver's website

Garden-Wise, Western Washing planting non-invasive natives, 36 pgs

Soil Testing for Home Gardeners - WSU  download pdf  2 pgs

20 Clues to Community Survival -

COMPOSTING -Link to WSU site

Winter Soils - link to PowerPoint              Starting Plants - link to PowerPt

Extending Your Growing Season

WSU - Portable Field Hoophouses - link pdf   8 pages

Simple PVC Arched Greenhouse (plans) - link pdf   3 pages

WSU Ext. Hoop Houses (paper) - link pdf   2 pages (has links for info)

Small Greenhouse, basic plan  - link pdf  4 pages

WSU Ext. Research on Tunnels and Plastic Mulch, overview -link

Winter Gardening-Soil Basics Powerpoint Presentation

Rainbarrels, Rain Gardens & Water Management

Building a Rain Barrel - 11 pages             Rain Barrel Presentation

WSU Rain Gardens Resources (link to page on website)

Video - 32 min. Introduction to Rain Gardens - WSU Ext. production

Handbook - Rain Gardens in the Puget Sound - 96pg. book

Whatcom County Native Plants for your Rain Garden - 24pgs listing

Soil Guidelines for Rain Gardens - 27pgs report

12,000 Rain Gardens (in Puget Sound) Creating Clean Water

Rain Gardens - Power Point presentation

CANNING and Food Preservation

Handout for Canning 101 Class at Blaine Library

Food Preservation Resources - WSU Handout, 4pgs

Canning Fruits - WSU Handout, 8pgs

Canning Vegetables - WSU Handout, 20pgs

Canning Jams, Jellies and Fruit Spreads - WSU Handout, 8pgs

Pickling Vegetables - WSU Handout, 20pgs

Pressure Canning Smoked Fish - WSU Handout, 5pgs

Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products - WSU Handout, 16pgs

Recipes for Canning Salsa - WSU Handout,

PRESTO - Pressure Canner Instructions - from Presto

Project Manual - Teach Kids Water Bath Canning - WSU Ext. Handout, 39 pgs


Presentation from Workshop - link            Handout - growing tips for dahlias



Copyright(c) 2011-23 - Blaine CORE. All rights reserved.